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In an economy where secure, good paying jobs are difficult to come by, insurance continues to employ thousands of people through company regional office positions as well as insurance agents and support personnel.
Carole Walker, RMIIA

IRC Insurance Consumer Satisfation Poll

RMIIA's 2010 Colorado Consumer Poll reflects similar results found by a national survey conducted in 2009 by the Insurance Research Council.

Download the report at:

An overwhelming majority of consumers with auto and homeowners insurance are satisfied with their insurance companies, according to a 2009 public opinion study by the Insurance Research Council (IRC).

  • 91% of respondents with auto insurance said that they were either very satisfied (61%) or fairly satisfied (30%) with their current auto insurer.
  • 89% of homeowners said that they were either very satisfied (56%) or fairly satisfied (33%) with their homeowners insurance company.

The IRC study found that most consumers are satisfied with the experience of shopping for auto insurance.

  • Among respondents who had shopped for auto insurance in the previous 12 months, 3 out of 4 respondents said they were very satisfied (24%) or fairly satisfied (51%) with the overall experience.
  • 69% of respondents were very or fairly satisfied with the range of product and price options they found.

Levels of State Regulation Doesn't Equal Consumer Satisfaction

  • The IRC study looked at satisfaction among respondents in two groups of states with different levels of government involvement in the insurance market.
  • Respondents in states with government-based regulation of the insurance market were no more likely than those in states in which insurance is primarily regulated by competitive market forces to say they were satisfied with their auto or homeowners insurer.

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