If your organization would like multiple copies of brochures to distribute, please contact us for more information.
Colorado Homeowners Insurance Market
Colorado is experiencing a "new normal" as it now ranks second in the nation for homeowners insurance catastrophe claims.
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Colorado Homeowners Insurance Fact Sheet
Legislation often impacts what drivers pay for insurance. Here are key facts and statistics on costs and factors that drive homeowners insurance premiums.
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Colorado Auto Insurance Fact Sheet
Legislation often impacts what drivers pay for insurance. Here are key facts and statistics on costs, crashes and factors that drive premiums.
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Colorado's Auto Insurance Marketplace
A cautionary tale on past and current premium trends.
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What Is a Public Adjuster?
Public adjusters are independent business people that have no relationship
with your insurance company or agent. These individuals often solicit
business from policyholders following a major catastrophe like a wildfire.
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Contractor Fraud Tips
The damage caused by a major storm or wildfire can be a source of great
anxiety, particularly when the structural integrity of your home is affected.
Rebuilding is a priority, but you should exercise caution and common sense
when hiring a contractor to help repair and clean up storm damage.
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Your Colorado Auto Insurance GPS
Understand Colorado's auto insurance requirements and options, including
the mandatory med pay offer, effective January 1, 2009.
Download a copy below, or contact us to order printed copies.
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Homeowners Insurance - Don't Forget the Keys
Are you buying insurance on a new home, selling a home or just wanting to gain a better understanding of the factors that affect your ability to get and keep affordable homeowners insurance? This guide provides some of the major keys to how homeowners insurance works, talks about common pitfalls, and offers some ways to save money.
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What if I'm hurt in an auto accident?
Fault-Based Auto Insurance:
How medical bills are paid after an accident.
When you buy auto insurance you need to think about what actually happens when you're in an accident and need to use it. This flowchart walks you through the medical claims process.
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The Personal Insurance Credit Information Act:
What New Mexico's Consumers Need to Know
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Teen Driving Brochure for Parents
Colorado's insurance industry is a key traffic safety partner and works to educate and pass laws that make our road safer. Teen drivers are the highest risk group and while state laws have helped reduce crashes, injuries and deaths—they can be confusing for teens AND parents. RMIIA joins with the Colorado Teen Driving Alliance on this education guide.
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