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Your car insurance is really six separate policies—some are required, others optional—carefully weigh your risks when buying protection for you and your family.
Carole Walker, RMIIA

Colorado Auto Insurance Consumer Poll

Colorado Consumer Poll: Drivers Reject Medical Mandates

Four years ago Colorado stopped requiring drivers to buy additional medical coverage on car insurance. During that time RMIIA has monitored the impact on auto rates and consumer attitudes."

In a May 2007 statewide poll conducted by Talmey-Drake Research, 73% of Colorado consumers overwhelming rejected a return to additional auto insurance medical mandates.

Details on specific dollar amounts:

  • 77% said "no" to requiring $50,000 extra medical coverage to car insurance policies.

  • 69% said "no" to requiring $5,000 extra medical coverage to car insurance policies.

  • The above numbers reflect the 68% of Colorado drivers who currently choose not to buy extra medical coverage available to them under their car insurance.

  • For the 32% of Coloradans who do purchase medical payments coverage, the most common amount by far is $5,000 (42%), which is the most common amount purchased by consumers nationally.

Read Full Report on the Statewide Colorado Poll

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