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Recent auto theft statistics show us crime now rarely stops with a stolen car, and encouraging citizens to do their part to help prevent auto theft is an important step in making Colorado safer.
Colorado State Patrol Chief Colonel Scott Hernandez

Wyoming Auto Theft

“Auto thefts saw a dramatic increase in 2020 versus 2019 in part due to the pandemic, an economic downturn, law enforcement realignment, depleted social and schooling programs, and, in still too many cases, owner complacency,” said David Glawe, president and CEO of the NICB. “For many people, a car is the second largest investment they will ever make behind a home. As such, it is important to take simple steps to protect your investment–lock your car and take your keys, no matter where you live.”

Auto theft traditionally has been a more isolated property crime in Wyoming since it is remote from international borders and major urban areas.

Wyoming Auto Theft by Location in 2020 (NICB)

Each year, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) studies Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), or major metropolitan areas to compare the number of vehicle thefts per 100,000 people.

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) 2020 Rank
out of 382 MSAs
Total Thefts
2020 Auto Theft Rate
per 100,000 people
Cheyenne 158 238 236.59
Casper 210 602 191.50

Wyoming's Top Ten Stolen Vehicles in 2020 (NICB)

  1. 2004 Ford Pick-Up (Full Size)
  2. 2007 Chevrolet Pick-Up (Full Size)
  3. 2003/1998 Dodge Pick-Up (Full Size)
  4. 2003 GMC Pick-Up (Full Size)
  5. 2005 Toyota Camry
  6. 2007 Honda Civic
  7. 2005 Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee, 2017/2012/2009 Ford Escapge
  8. 2007/2005 GMC Yukon, 2002/1999 Chevrolet Suburban
  9. 2012/2007 Ford Focus, 2003/2002 Ford Explorer, 2019/2013 Ram Pick-Up (Full Size)
  10. 2020/2016 Toyota Carolla, 2020/2007 Ford Fusion, 2005 Dodge Durango, 2005 Chevrolet Malibu
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